Welcome to Skincare Saturday!

I am sitting here with one of my FAVORITE skincare products on my face, so I figured what better to do with my 10-15 minutes of waiting but to drop a quick blog post!Favorite L'BRI products

I have on the L’BRI Facial Masque, which is an AMAZING product!!! You just need to put it onto dry skin and let it sit and do its MAGIC! Sometimes called L’BRI’s facelift in a bottle, it is super easy to use and gives you instant results! It will help to refine the skin’s appearance, by toning, tightening, and diminishing the appearance of pores. It also leaves my skin feeling super soft and supple and it smells FANTASTIC! As it dries you can feel it tightening the skin and once rinsed off with just warm water the skin is ready to go!

If you are not familiar with L’BRI, it is a company owned and operated in Wisconsin, so it is USA-based. They use safe and effective ingredients and their products are full of healthy nutrients, vitamins, and botanicals. Head over to my L’BRI page to learn more https://alisonmcclary.com/lbri/

Since I still have some time, let’s talk about some other favorite skincare products of L’BRI. The primary ingredient of all the products from L’BRI is aloe. From shampoo to hand soap to kitchen cleansers, aloe is the main primary ingredient.


Their intense body butter and their hand and body lotions are honestly amazing!!!

I love L’BRI’s lotions!

I have used all the scents of the hand and body lotions; cucumber, mandarin fig, tropical breeze, and fragrance-free and I love them all. I have the fragrance free at work, the tropical breeze in the 2 ounces in my purse, and the cucumber and mandarin fig lotions in the bathrooms of my house! My skin has never been happier since lathering up right out of the shower with the mandarin fig. It is a light scent that keeps moisture in and makes my skin feel hydrated and soft all day long.

In addition to having the 4 different scents in the hand and body lotions, they also come in multiple sizes! The 2-ounce purse size and 8 ounces come in all scents, and then the big one 16 ounces only comes in cucumber scent.

Intense Body Butter

Since it is getting colder, that means drier skin! For those like me that work in healthcare, it means super dry cracked hands!!! That is where the intense body butter comes in. It is made with aloe, mango seed butter, hyaluronic acid, Japanese green tea, cocoa seed butter, evening primrose, and vitamins A, C & E and it is the skin’s best friend! You can put it onto dry elbows, dry cracked heels, hands.  Basically anywhere on your body besides the face, as there are better products that are made specifically for the face than the intense body butter.

There are 6 wonderful scents that the intense body butter comes in, however only one size, 8 ounces. The scents are cucumber, mandarin fig, fragrance-free, citrus medley, costa Blanca camellia, and white tea blossom, and cedarwood oil. I have the cucumber intense body butter on the table next to me in the living room right now and I have the costa Blanca camellia in my bathroom, as that is also the body wash I am currently using!

Now head on over to my L’BRI site and check out the lotions, body butter, and the facial masque for yourself! https://lbri.com/alisonmcclary

alison mcclary
alison mcclary

I am a healthcare worker, working in radiology doing patient care and supervisory work.  I have worked in the healthcare field for over 25 years! I love helping people! I have some awesome natural ways and products to help people improve their skin, weight, and overall wellness. Click here to find out more.

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